Ananda means unconditional Love. This was the main teaching of Gururaj to his students. To open their hearts up so that the discrepancies of the mind are overcome. To arrive to this Goal he taught a meditation method that we call Path of Unfoldment and that includes individualized meditation techniques and spiritual practices designed for the specific needs of each particular student.

Life is made to give

A small task performed in sincerity is worth far more than a great task performed with motivation for oneself. Life is made to give and not to take, for it is in giving that we really receive. As we receive the true knowledge which is inherent within us, we use that knowledge wisely in service. […]

To give love to one who is love

To give love to one who is love
You who are agony and pain unto yourself
yet you know not that you are an offering
To a world suffering and thirsting for love.

Nature is but One

Nevertheless, we in our individual capacities can recognize and realize that all nature is but one, for the Manifestor has not manifested two. The entire manifestation is one. But when through evolutionary processes man started thinking, then he started compartmentalizing that I and you. I and you. Now if there is one, there could be […]

That is the beauty.

So when we reach the stage, and it’s not really easy, and joking apart, not easy, but we can develop this sense of non attachment. We don’t need to look far. It is right here and now, with everything.

Devotion is the expression of Love

You surrender, not to your beloved, but you surrender yourself to yourself. Yet your beloved feels that you have surrendered to him or her.

Acceptance in relationships

When the wife or the husband becomes demanding in getting the attention to feed his or her ego and self-importance, friction begins. To avoid this friction one has to learn acceptance and surrender.

Unfolding love in a relationship

Love has to be worked at over a period of years so that two people slowly begin to understand each other. They begin to understand the faults and frailties of each other, and in understanding them, they accept them.

Incompatibility in relationships

By finding fault, it is not the fault of the other person, it is you. You are at fault: therefore you see a fault. We project ourselves upon others because we cannot handle ourselves by ourselves.