Enjoy the gift!

Where have you come from and where are you going to? You don’t know. Millions of mental speculations, but you do not know. You know that you were born and you know for certain that you are going to die, and that is life’s only certainty.

Existence VII

The limited stage we call existence.. So what’s the sense of it?  No sense.  Rather wake up every morning and say to yourself that I am divinity itself.  I’m a product of divinity itself.  I’m a product of divinity; divinity shines through me; and I am that divinity.  So a simple little prayer in the […]

Existence VIII

All conflicts stem from guilt And when everything is one, no conflicts could remain in your mind at all. For all your problems are because of conflicts. And those conflicts is forever conning you all the time with its flicks and flickerings in your mind. Get rid of those, my beloveds, it’s so easy. Do […]

Teaching Meditation

There are many meditation teachers over there, and many can help you although they still may have a lot to learn themselves. Find a good teacher to learn meditation in an appropriate way and then allow the teachings in this pages guide your intellect in the right direction and your allow your heart to shine on your path.

Existence is being what you are

That is the stage to reach.  No Father, no you, but just an isness, an existence inseparable from that which you regarded to be the Father, from that which you regarded to be you.  This can be practiced every moment of the day in dreaming, waking, sleeping.  At first we thought that «I want to […]


Fear is in the roots of all anxiety and indirectly, of the depressions we suffer. Today in this world the consumption of tranquilizers and antidepressants is so much extended that has become the main drug consumed in the western world. In the root of the anxiety we suffer is fear, and in the root of […]

Accepting the teachings from a teacher

The person most qualified to accept what a teacher says is the one with devotion in his heart. When devotion is there, there is acceptance. If one is lacking in devotion, then evaluation will not come from the heart, it will come from the mind.

The shadow

When you chase your shadow, it is always running ahead of you. And you can’t catch it. It’s always running ahead. But when you forget the shadow and keep on running, it will be following you all the time.