Can you get self realized in one life time? (V)

All those fears, insecurities, depressions are many times based in the sense of guilt. This idea or thought that has been embedded particularly in the western world that has brought so much illness and disease, particularly psychological. Forget about the past. Let that come what may, I take the challenge and will compose the song […]

Can you get self realized in one life time? (IV)

But, we always want to be in a place we are not. We are always imagining ourselves with money, or a new relationship, or in a another job. Instead of taking the opportunity that our circumstances bring us to surrender ourselves performing action there. In the direction we feel for. Many salesmen would like to […]

Can you get self realized in one life time? (III)

To act upon what life brings, serving it with integrity. We do not accept passively, we accept the challenge circumstances brings to us and act upon it. We accept thus the challenge with action. It is not a passive acceptance, it is an active acceptance of the challenges that life brings us. And we surrender […]

Can you get self realized in one life time? (II)

So come what may, whatever heaven and hell has to come I accept it fully, and the entirety of whatever I have built up as binding structures I can get rid of, in just this life time. So if this is true and you are earnest in your determination and honest in your practice this […]


Fear is in the roots of all anxiety and indirectly, of the depressions we suffer. Today in this world the consumption of tranquilizers and antidepressants is so much extended that has become the main drug consumed in the western world. In the root of the anxiety we suffer is fear, and in the root of […]

The Path of the householder

Most of us that are listening to these videos and reading these lines are householders. We have responsibilities in the world with family, with our land lord, with our boss in the job or with our company. And we solve our lives through action. It is in this active prayer, which is action for the […]

The Real and the Unreal

Let me tell you a little secret, and understand this well. That which you think is real is not real at all. That which you think is unreal is true reality. Did you get that? The true reality is that «it,» that cannot find any confirmation in your mind saying that it is real. It […]

Suffering near a sage

So that is how life goes on in unawareness. This body goes on in unawareness, the mind is incapable of perceiving or conceiving the various functionings of ourselves within ourselves and of the universe around us. Because they are subtler laws of nature that is forever there and doing its work. But the mind, the […]