Thousands of people were initiated by Gururaj Ananda Yogi during his 12 years of teaching, amongst them we have selected those ones that have a public dedication teaching meditation and spirituality, or somehow still involved in assisting others in their spiritual unfoldment. Just browse them bellow and contact any of them through the means provided in this website to get a direct experience of the shakti that is imparted in their presence.

Melissa Mills

As a long-time meditator, I am more and more convinced that meditation is the medicine for what ails us. It quiets and organizes our roiling minds, increases our focus, relieves depression and negative emotions, gives deep rest and grounds our bodies, and gives hope through the experience of joy.  Not all at once, of course, but steady practice […]

Nora Oakes

I have been meditating for many years. Originally I learned to meditate as a way to cope with the stress at my job and at home as a single mother of three young children. With Gururaj’s techniques I found increased energy and, over the years, a spiritual connection that continues to inform my life. Contact […]

Karuni (Karen) Stallard BS, MCLT

From a small child I have always possessed a great love of animals and the natural world.  Therefore, when it came time to select a degree, Biology was a logical choice, with a double minor in English and Psychology.  I have worked in animal care at the Humane Society of Missouri, the Wildlife Rescue Center, […]

Ramón (Raman) Leonato

I was born in Madrid in 1960, when I was a young boy I was solely interested in understanding the secret of life. I grew up studying biology, chemistry, physics and by 15 years old I was already in college. I published my first research work in Insect Biochemistry, Pergamon Press Vol. 10 pp 529 […]

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