Ananda means unconditional Love. This was the main teaching of Gururaj to his students. To open their hearts up so that the discrepancies of the mind are overcome. To arrive to this Goal he taught a meditation method that we call Path of Unfoldment and that includes individualized meditation techniques and spiritual practices designed for the specific needs of each particular student.

Sex and relationships

I do not advise celibacy for a householder. Celibacy practiced by a householder in the world as we know it, can become very dangerous. It can become repressive, and those inhibitions and repressions can translate themselves psychosomatically. When we marry there is at first a mutual attraction. One has to enhance this attraction if love […]

Opening the heart

When the heart has opened, you will become incapable of projecting negativity. You will project only love. Attachment can exist in the form of sincere feeling. In this togetherness we are marching on the path of oneness. How can we be one in two separate bodies? It is only when the heart melts away completely. […]

It was hard this life..

It was a hard life this; digging the ground,
Who cares to know how parched it was.
My back is broken carrying the water pails;
I am old, the trees so young, bearing blossoms.

The best way to…

The best way according to Gururaj Ananda The best way to loose weight Now this girl had a problem, she was overweight, that was her problem.  And she kept on talking about her weight problem.  So she meets a friend who tells her that «Stop talking about your problem.  The best way to lose weight […]

The essence of spiritual teachings

You’d be surprised I’m keeping myself together. [Gururaj laughs] Keep yourself together through the power of love. And therefore the scriptures, all the scriptures say, «Love thy neighbor as yourself.» But I would add onto that, not only your neighbor. Here’s my neighbor, that’s my neighbor, this is my neighbor. Do you see? So who […]

Service as an Offering

If the service is done as an offering then praise or blame will not affect you at all because you find the inner joy of serving.

The Lover of Life is Dead

The lover of life is dead, I dream…
His love ongoing and rushing as the river
Feeding unfertile lands parched in thirst;
As moonbeams laughing at the darkened sky
He steers the stars as if in play.

Devotion to the beloved

Bhakti Yoga, the missing piece Bhakti, devotion to the beloved, compasion.. Different names to speak about the factor that transforms and changes the workings of the mind.