Meditation, mindfulness, and the search for Truth

The purpose of meditation and mindfulness is to experience truth. We don’t want to know about truth—for that you go to a university.

Meditation and mindfulness are a prevention, not a cure.

If you are a Christian, become a better Christian. If you are a Buddhist, become a better Buddhist. If you are a Jew, become a better Jew. Meditational practices have nothing to do with religion.

Friendship and need

Real friendship, like love, should have no need. Where there is no need, there is total acceptance of a friend. Man knows that he cannot exist without friendship, and yet he abuses friendship, because in the friendship, self is involved instead of selflessness. It is so easy to love a friend; anyone can do that. […]

Friendship – Giving yourself to others

The cup runneth over . . . why let it go down the drain? And if you are thirsty enough, have the whole cup; why only that which runs over? Have the whole cup, I know I can replenish it—there’s plenty more where that comes from. The eternal spring, undying, is forever producing that life […]

The ego is like an egg

The ego is like an egg. You’ve got to break the shell for the chicken to pop out, the chicken of life. Spirituality. Now that spirit is always within. . . when it is ready, it tries to hit up against the shell to break it to come out. It’s a hard time, but if […]

Accepting or rejecting… both meet at the end.

We are allowed to think. We are allowed to accept. We are allowed to reject. And that is what progress is all about. If you reject a certain thought, I will not say, “Do not reject.” I say, “Yes, go on rejecting—rejecting until you reach the stage of accepting.” It is like two people moving in opposite directions around this globe—sooner or later they will meet face to face at the other side.

Accepting our Circumstances

Human beings must realize that whatever circumstances they are placed in are the result of their own actions.

The shadow

When you chase your shadow, it is always running ahead of you. And you can’t catch it. It’s always running ahead. But when you forget the shadow and keep on running, it will be following you all the time.